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Web3 is Going Just Great
Operation Triangulation: -
SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker | Ars Technica
Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2021 | PortSwigger Research
Emile "iMil" Heitor / unchinifyer · GitLab
Merge pull request #5198 from wiredfool/cifuzz · python-pillow/Pillow@35f8faf
soroco/pyce: Encrypted Python Execution
GitHub Accidentally Recorded Some Plaintext Passwords in Its Internal Logs
Demo of how input() is security problem in Python 2.7 (4min)
Combining the power of Python and Assembly. – Vector – Medium
How Dropbox securely stores your passwords | Dropbox Tech Blog
Quelqu'un serait en train d'apprendre à paralyser Internet - Korben
Firejail | security sandbox
A practical security guide for web developers - GitHub
Full Disclosure: Administrivia: The End
L'interview d'Edward Snowden en français « Korben Korben
Egor Homakov: Cookie Bomb or let's break the Internet.
operating systems - Are passwords stored in memory safe? - Information Security Stack Exchange
http - The definitive guide to form based website authentication - Stack Overflow
Nisuta NS-WIR150NE, NS-WIR300N Wireless Routers - Remote Management Web Interface Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
NSA malware turns your iPhone into a spy device, obliterating your privacy | Privacy SOS
:: hiddenillusion ::: AnalyzePDF - Bringing the Dirt Up to the Surface
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: How does the NSA break SSL?
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: An update on Truecrypt
D-Link DSR Router Series - Remote Root Shell Exploit
OpenSSH fixes potential remote code execution hole | Naked Security
8192+ bit RSA keys in OS X
Security History - GitHub
A (rare) interview with ennead (one of the TrueCrypt developers)
Cracking GSM with RTL-SDR for Thirty Dollars
Snapchat admits sharing images with US law enforcement | Naked Security
Une backdoor dans les routeurs D-Link « Korben Korben
Des chercheurs du MIT créent un algorithme permettant d'avoir « du visible dans l'invisible », le code disponible en open source
▶ "Le gendarme et internet ou comment bien naviguer sur le web" - YouTube
Switch to HTTPS Now, For Free
Crime against code | CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 – Still allow Login Bypass | CYBER ARMS - Computer Security
EXCLUSIVE: GPS flaw could let terrorists hijack ships, planes | Fox News
How to encrypt your email | Malwarebytes Unpacked
True DTC
L’écoute des câbles, deux ans pour comprendre : mieux vaut tard que jamais : Reflets
« J’ai fait ce que j’ai cru bon » | Korben
Blaze's Security Blog: Basic Malware Cleaning
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: Can Apple read your iMessages?
The day I caught an ATM card catcher | Naked Security
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool Download
What are Trojans? | Malwarebytes Unpacked
Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists
Sensibilisation au lockpicking | Korben
Recommandations pour la sécurisation des sites web - ANSSI
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: A few thoughts on cellular encryption
New Internet Explorer 8 Zero Day | Malwarebytes Unpacked
Microsoft Discovers Trojan That Erases Evidence Of Its Existence --
Yet another unpatched security hole found in Java | Naked Security
Scribd, “world’s largest online library,” admits to network intrusion, password breach | Naked Security
PDF Tools | Didier Stevens
GDS Blog - GDS Blog - Automated Padding Oracle Attacks with PadBuster
KeyCAPTCHA - Innovative Anti-Spam Solution - Bidouille hardware sur Mac - De multiples failles pour un jailbreak
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