2034 private links
Oh la perle que je découvre sur le tard : un rechargeur automatique de page web quand on modifie du CSS/HTML/JS. Couplé à un système de détection des changements avec watchdog, et on a là un truc bien cool.
Plyer is a platform-independent Python wrapper for platform-dependent APIs
Programming is based on mathematics in the way that cooking is based on chemistry. All of cooking is chemistry but you don’t have to know the periodic table to cook. Even if you suck at math, programming still might be your jam.
Du contenu technique Windows. Ma série d'articles sur ETW est sans prix. À suivre !
Ah, M$ avance dans la bonne direction. Y a plus qu'à corriger maintenant :)
Speech :
A repo for developers on Windows to file issues that impede their productivity, efficiency, and efficacy.
GitHub Action pour faire du fuzzing.
Les contantes (defines) des différentes versions de Windows. Pour filtrer l'usage des APIs dans votre code C ou C++.
Le contenu me sera fort utile dans les prochains jours.
En attendant voici le ePUB en version nettoyée : https://www.tiger-222.fr/files/implementing-the-clean-architecture.epub
- sans DRM Adobe
- sans police à télécharger depuis Google (plantage de ma Kobo si le Wi-Fi est désactivé...)
- sans URL de traçage Google
- nettoyé avec Calibre (HTML, CSS)
- avec image de couverture
- avec correction de la langue dans les entêtes HTML (pl -> en)
- avec ajout du nom de l'auteur dans les metadatas
J'ai utilisé cette commande (nécessite Calibre) :
ebook-convert implementing-the-clean-architecture.epub implementing-the-clean-architecture-converted.epub --epub-inline-toc --smarten-punctuation --insert-metadata --authors="Sebastian Buczyński" --cover=$HOME/Desktop/cover.png --language=en
- Éditions manuelles.
C'est très, très, moyen d'avoir à faire tout ça pour 22 balles !
A runtime python code manipulation framework for profiling, debugging and bugfixing - devopspp/pyliveupdate
Code metrics are a popular way to analyse the complexity of our software. For some reason, we are attracted to single-figure summaries of quality, whether it’s lines of code, cyclomatic complexity, or the Pylint score. Personally, I think using these are about as valuable as judging another person based on one of their visible or measurable characteristics. Which is to say, an okay metric might get the conversation started, but it won’t help you know them. That takes time and effort, humility, seeking to understand their background, and changing your mind about previous assumptions when something about them challenges you.
Core utilities for Python packages. Contribute to pypa/packaging development by creating an account on GitHub.
After “git rebase origin/master” and “git push -f”, many commits in the master branch are shown in the pull request some time. This issue was happened in GH-16430. But I had seen similar issues several times. I asked the Github support about it, and I got the answer from them: Stacey Burns (GitHub Developer Support) Oct 30, 1:18 PM UTC Hi Indana, We use what’s called a “three-dot diff” on a Pull Requ...
Speaker: Mahmoud Hashemi If you had to build a software application right now, how would you do it? First step, Python. But then what? This talk looks at ove...
I like Git commit messages. Used well, I think they’re one of the most powerful tools available to document a codebase over its lifetime. I’d like to illustrate that by showing you my favourite ever Git commit.
tout est dans le titre : <3
You’ve run your batch process with your scientific model, and after hours and hours it spit out a result. And the result is wrong. You suspect there’s a bug in the calculation, you’re not sure what it is, and the slow feedback cycle is making debugging even harder. Wouldn’t it be great if you could debug and speed up your program without having to spend days running it just to reproduce your problem? Now, I’m not a scientist, I’m a software engineer. But I did spend a year and a half working on scientific computing, and based on that experience I’d like to offer a potential solution to this cluster of problems: logging, and in particular a logging library I and my coworkers found very helpful. But before I get to the solution, it’s worth considering where these problems come from: the specific characteristics of scientific computing.
Ça, c'est super cool !
founder/Dir. of Engineering at Cuttlesoft, software engineer, CS researcher, brewer of coffee, drinker of teas, maker of faces. FSU '14.